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Here you will find posts not only highlighting Meg's most recent sessions, but also addressing frequently asked questions regarding outfit styling, prepping for your sessions and more!
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Tacoma Seattle Premiere Newborn PHotographer
Olympia Newborn Photographer | Hospital Fresh48 Session Providence St. Peters Hospital | Olympia, WA The more Fresh48 sessions I do as an Olympia Newborn Photographer, the more I fall in love with them. I was so excited to hear that little Everett had made his debut and it was time for me to head down […]
Posed Newborn Photography vs Lifestyle Newborn Photography I’ve never given much thought to explaining the differences in posed newborn photography and lifestyle newborn photography, but I figure it’s probably a great time to highlight them – especially for my clients trying to decide exactly what session would fit their family best! In my last 4 […]
I had such an incredible time having sweet Dylan and her amazing parents in my studio! I don’t think I saw her eyes once during her entire session! I continue to be so unbelievable thankful for the ability to meet such wonderful people and document their pride and joy at only days old. Those brand […]
I was lucky enough to meet this sweet guy in the hospital for his Fresh48 session, and then again when he + his parents were home from the hospital for his newborn session! It is such a joy meeting these brand new beautiful babies – and it’s so amazing the difference a week out of the hospital makes! […]
© 2025 Meg Newton Photography, Newborn, Baby, Milestone, Fresh48 & maternity photographer. Tacoma/Seattle, Washington